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Body & Mind Harmony

Holistic Therapies to understand, alleviate, empower

How I Can Help

These therapies can help balance your body. They are powerful as stand-alone therapies. We can also explore a combined treatment approach tailored to your specific needs as this might might be more suitable for you. 

What We Offer

Chrissie Thomas, Therapist

Meet Chrissie

I believe that our bodies and minds have the innate ability to heal and become free from pain. Chronic pain is rarely just a physical problem; the body and mind work together to create harmony or dis-ease.


My role is to work in partnership with you to alleviate discomfort and stress and discover the root cause of your problem so we can understand the contributing factors and triggers to help empower you to manage your health and well-being. 

In my client's words...

Harmony Holistic Therapies was my saviour after whiplash rendered me unable to easily bend, sit down or turn over in bed. My core muscles were locked. With Chrissie’s expert help, a mix of massage and acupuncture, my symptoms quickly eased. After each session I gained more and more flexibility and confidence in my body’s ability to heal.


"When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything."

Lao Tzu

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Contact Me

Body and  Mind Harmony

+44 7484202690


Learn To Heal

79 Market Street Pocklington YO42 2AE

Mondays and Wednesdays

7 Whin Close

York YO24 1LB


Brackenholme Business Park

Selby YO8 6EL


Spark York CIC 17-21 Piccadilly,

York YO1 9PB

alternate Fridays

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